Înființată în 1990, SRBB își propune promovarea utilizării sigure, durabile și benefice a cercetării fundamentale și a inovației în bioinginerie și biotehnologie. De asemenea, oferă un forum pentru cooperarea interdisciplinară și internațională. SRBB este implicată în următoarele activități:
- Promovarea cooperării interdisciplinare naționale și internaționale
- Organizarea de ateliere și întâlniri științifice
- Încurajarea colaborării între mediul academic, cercetare și industrie
- Efectuarea de studii și cercetări în subdomeniile specifice
- Colaborări cu organisme guvernamentale pe probleme legate de bioinginerie și biotehnologie, cu impact asupra economiei naționale
- Stimularea inovației și transferului de tehnologie
- Promovarea aplicării etice și sociale a biotehnologiei
- Promovarea înțelegerii publice a biotehnologiei
- Diseminarea informațiilor specifice
- Implicarea în educație și formare profesională
- Menținerea unor bune relații cu Federația Europeană de Biotehnologie
Obiectivele SRBB
„Societatea Română de Bioinginerie și Biotehnologie” își propune să afirme bioingineria și biotehnologiile pe plan științific și economic, având în vedere pericolele pe care industrializarea clasică le presupune pentru biosferă. Este imperios necesară armonizarea tehnosferei cu biosfera. Aceasta implică reconsiderarea tehnosferei prin prisma bioingineriei și biotehnologiilor, cunoscând avantajele ecologice pe care le prezintă aceste domenii.
Biotehnologia, ca și concept general, se concentrează pe utilizarea, desfășurarea și adaptarea proceselor biologice pentru a dezvolta tehnologii și produse care răspund diferitelor nevoi ale societății. Biotehnologiile utilizează sisteme biologice și organisme vii, iar prin modificarea acestora obțin produse cu valoare adăugată (de exemplu, producția de biocombustibili sau antibiotice).
Subdomenii ale Biotehnologiei
Founded in 1990, SRBB aims to promote the safe, sustainable, and beneficial use of fundamental research and innovation in bioengineering and biotechnology. It also provides a forum for interdisciplinary and international cooperation. SRBB is involved in the following activities:
- Promoting national and international interdisciplinary cooperation
- Organizing workshops and scientific meetings
- Encouraging collaboration between academia, research, and industry
- Conducting studies and research in specific subfields
- Collaborating with governmental bodies on bioengineering and biotechnology issues that impact the national economy
- Stimulating innovation and technology transfer
- Promoting the ethical and social application of biotechnology
- Enhancing public understanding of biotechnology
- Disseminating specific information
- Engaging in education and professional training
- Maintaining good relations with the European Federation of Biotechnology
Objectives of SRBB
The “Romanian Society of Bioengineering and Biotechnology” aims to affirm bioengineering and biotechnologies on both scientific and economic fronts, considering the dangers that traditional industrialization poses to the biosphere. Harmonizing the technosphere with the biosphere is crucial, which involves reconsidering the technosphere through the lens of bioengineering and biotechnologies, recognizing their ecological advantages.
Biotechnology, as a general concept, focuses on utilizing, developing, and adapting biological processes to create technologies and products that meet various societal needs. Biotechnologies use biological systems and living organisms, modifying them to produce value-added products (e.g., biofuels or antibiotics).
Subfields of Biotechnology
Biotechnology, as a distinct field, overlaps with several areas such as medicine, chemistry, and biology. It includes distinct subfields, each internationally recognized by specific colors:
- Red Biotechnology: Medical (health and medical applications)
- Yellow Biotechnology: Food (processing and nutrition)
- Green/Brown Biotechnology: Agriculture (including GMOs and climate change adaptation)
- Gray Biotechnology: Environmental (including bioremediation)
- White Biotechnology: Production of polymers, biofuels
- Blue Biotechnology: Aquatic resources (including wastewater treatment)
- Gold Biotechnology: Laboratory practices, bioinformatics, molecular modeling
Biotechnologies are also classified based on the type of living organisms used, developing specifically in plant, animal, or food domains (plant biotechnology, food biotechnology, animal biotechnology), including the use of microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi), generically called microbial biotechnologies, with industrial, agricultural, medical applications, etc.
Bioengineering is a multidisciplinary field combining elements from various domains, including medicine, biology, and engineering. It focuses on developing materials, tools, equipment, and technologies to design solutions or new approaches in biomedicine, such as creating prostheses, artificial organs, and advanced surgical equipment. Bioengineering applies engineering principles to biological processes, food, agriculture, and environmental processes.
Specializations within bioengineering include:
- Imaging
- Biomechanics
- Cellular and tissue engineering
- Medical devices
- Synthetic biology
- Bionanotechnology
- Computational biology
Differences between Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Although there are overlaps between bioengineering and biotechnology, there are also clear differences between the two fields:
- Bioengineering is based on engineering principles applied to biology and medicine, with a distinct multidisciplinary approach, whereas biotechnology is essentially an applied biological science.
- Bioengineering focuses on clinical and medical health, while biotechnology focuses on developing solutions in various fields, from agriculture to bioeconomy and medicine.
- Biotechnology relies on understanding biology and chemistry, using living organisms to develop technological solutions, whereas bioengineering utilizes advanced knowledge of mathematics and physics, materials, and advanced technologies.
- Bioengineering seeks solutions to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases or disabilities, while biotechnology has broader applications, from genetics to waste management.